Based on 255 reviews
I went for the small bottle , should have gone straight for the big one

It's amazing , I don't even need to have it 3 times a day , been doing twice and then even the days I don't have it now I still feel the energy that wasn't there before . Been working out every morning and there's a definite notice in gains 💪🏽

Still Working with the product and awaiting advertised results.


Gosh you are onto a winner here mate, this stuff is bloody gold.

I am a 47 year old male and biogold has really given me a boost in the gym and in the bedroom.

I have been taking 1.5mls 4 times per day for 7 weeks and my strength has increased markedly, previously I had plateaued and was struggling but now am definitely getting gains – at 47 years old!

Pine Pollen Combo Deal
Barry ⁷Drake

I have nearly finished my first bottle an so far ism really stoked on my results . I be definitely be buying this again I haven't felt this amazing an energetic for a very long time just take in account that results an effectiveness will very from person to person as our bodies respond in different ways thankyou very much for such a great product.

Amazing stuff, highly recommend.

30 ml bio gold

Good product but bit over priced as per the quantity

definitely noticed it

I think your product is awesome and I absolutely noticed the difference within myself using your product as I am a hard and physical shift worker and bio gold undoubtably helped with mind and strength whilst going through this process. kind regards


Great product.

oh it works.

very happy with it.

Went in with an open mind! Nothing to lose.

First thing I noticed, by day 2, was clarity of mind! That was obvious and fantastic! Then started a roller coaster of events. Next I noticed achy joints and a slight head ache that I put down to detoxing and lack of water, because it didn’t last long when I realised I needed to increased my water intake. It’s been over 2 weeks now and I feel amazing!

Bio Oil Review

Have been using bio oil for nearly three weeks now and am enjoying the benefits. I feel a lot more attentive during the day. I believe I can feel the difference down there also (don't currently have a partner) but bloodflow seems better! Have only been using .75ml to 1ml twice a day which seems to be making a difference!
Will be buying a bigger bottle soon! Thanks!

Find your Mojo!

Bio Gold is the real S***. It's a great supplement to help get through the daily grind, but also ensure you still have a spring in your step once your home. It can't replace a good night's sleep however, if you didn't get one, trust in this gem to get you through.

This skeptic is convinced

When a friend recommended Bio Gold I must admit I was skeptical at first - until he listed the benefits he and many others had experienced. Better focus, generally sharper, with more energy - all areas I really needed some help with.
A pollen product seemed counter-intuitive as well, as hay fever has been escalating over the years - but I'm a curious soul so thought I'd give it a shot.
It's week three now and I'm living the benefits every day. With ADHD, I've always struggled with focus and consistent attention and I'm now finding it much easier to achieve tasks through to completion in one sitting. I haven't experienced 'commencement paralysis' for at least a week and I'm just feeling more balanced. Also my quality of sleep has improved.
So yes, I would definitely recommend this for relatively healthy folk who just need an alignment of sorts.

Still early days but definitely helps out for sure

Lift in Performance 110%

I was a non-believer on anything that involves hyped up performance anything but after using "Boi Gold" for over three weeks now, I have notice changers within my body that used to worry me but not anymore, my sleeping patterns we're all out, I now sleep right up to my alarm going off, also something that hasn't happened for over 30 years is waking up with "Morning Glory" which after all these years I thought was a myth. I'm now 55+ and loving life........
So thank you team.

Amazing Liquid

I am well satisfied with this product as I really felt energised 🤗

Great product

Super excited to carry on with pine pollen. Bought a smaller tincture first, would recommend going larger for price /longevity ect. Feel great and looking forward to seeing what improvements carry forward with longer usage :)

Gives me energy and helps me sleep

Yeah I’ve been taking the bio pollen and still giving it a run been feeling good on the muscle recovery and energy levels so I’ll keep going and give it another shot

Highly recommend! Supercharge liquid helped me feel better after being run down. It somehow gave me more energy throughout the day, but also helped me sleep at night 😊 I have just ordered more!

Be open minded

I was a bit sceptical about the pollen but once I tried it what a difference it certainly worked for me in all aspects. Going to try the powder next. The only down fall is it's a little expensive if your on the lower income bracket

Wow it worked

Man this product seemed to of worked awesome, loved it, be buying more


Is that thumping in my veins because I'm 20 years younger?

58 years old. Had been training hard in the gym, and sport and thought I would try this for recovery. Most noticeable was my strength increase, and definitely gains in muscle size. Just bought my second bottle to see if I get similar results.

Great product, helps me sleep and gives me energy in the day